Category: Day to Day Pet Care

Toxic Foods for Pets

Here is a list of foods to keep out of your pets reach. It is vital to make sure you contact a vet if your pet consumes something they shouldn’t have!   Alcohol The consumption of alcohol by your pet can cause vomiting, diarrhea, incoordination, central nervous system depression, and other symptoms that are extremely… Read more »

The Importance of Your Pet’s Dental Health

Maintaining your pet’s dental health is one of the best things you can do to help them live the longest, happiest life possible. Gum disease is very common in pets, and most pets exhibit symptoms or have dental disease by age 3.  Most pets are very good at masking pain and discomfort making dental disease… Read more »

How to Maintain Your Cats Urinary Health

Cats can suffer from a multitude of issues when their urinary health is not maintained. When left untreated, urinary issues such as Urinary Tract Infections can cause what’s called Feline Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) which results in chronic bladder inflammation. Affected cats suffer from bladder pain and are at a higher risk of developing life… Read more »

Medication and Pets: Prevent Poisoning

According to the Pet Poison Helpline, human medications make up 50% of pet poisoning. Symptoms from ingesting medications can vary in severity, with some medications causing fatal symptoms when ingested by your pet. You should ALWAYS consult a veterinarian before giving medication to your pets regardless of information seen elsewhere.  Here is a list of… Read more »

Toxic Houseplants and Flowers for Pets

Flowers and houseplants are a great way to keep your house feeling fresh and decorated, however not all plants are safe for our pets. Here’s a list of plants that are best to keep out of the house or out of reach for your pets. If your pet ever ingests a toxic or potentially toxic… Read more »

Safe Houseplants for Cats and Dogs

Safe Houseplants for Dogs and Cats Plants are  very popular and sustainable way to decorate your home or garden. However there are some plants that can cause issues for our pets such as kidney/liver failure, burns to the mouth, vomiting, and more. Knowing which plants are safe for your pet can make a huge difference… Read more »

Hiking with Your Dog: What to Know and What to Bring

Hiking with Your Dog. What to Know and What to Bring. Experiencing nature while getting exercise is a great way to spend quality time with your dog. Hikes are a great way to get out and about with your pet, but the great outdoors can be unpredictable and have its risks. Keeping your dog safe… Read more »